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how do you use the miracle water? 

Guys how do you get spokes for the machine??

How do you slide down the ladder?

press and hold e

Guys I'm genuinely stupid how do i use the phone


@Moth House I genuinely am very stuck , please help!

nvm i'm dumb , we're good!

Y'all I'm stuck !! How do we order from the phone!! I'm on day 6 and have no watering can for the plants, so I can't nurture the purple egg and continue on with the game!!

You start with a watering can. After you plant the seed, press e or spacebar again to water it.

honestly, this game has been improving and improving! Keep it up! Couldn't figure out how to get the blank eggs to hatch tho... But I guess it's already a lot more hand holding than in the past as far as I remember!

@de g0od - You hatch the "blank" eggs by incubating them with the purple and green plant instead of one or the other! ( Hope this helps! <3 )

weird, I had tried that, but it didn't work, maybe I did something wrong, sorry!


I love this game alot! Ive been playing it non-stop ever since i found it! Just that i wish the days were longer and/or the player could be faster when completing tasks. Other than that, ive had alot of fun and the moths are really cute!


I feel the same way! I keep holding shift and hoping that would work but nope, slow and it annoys me

I played this game. It was fine. But all the sudden when ever I go into the game it's like super laggy.

(2 edits) (+1)

did I get promoted to same-day shipping or is this a glitch I just discovered

context: I ordered a blue seed and two pink/purple seeds and they arrived the same day I ordered them(unpacked to show contents ofc)
edit: I just realized that my order is the same as the surprise supplies given to you by the phone people and yes this is a glitch
edit 2: I tried this again and I think this was patched or smth


I can provide an answer, so the deliveries happen at early morning not the very start so if you order in the short time period of the next day you wilt still get it on  the time when  the deliveries happen

Hello, I really enjoy this game so I wanted to offer some feedback, firstly, once you accumulate so many moths it becomes hard to feed them all as they just sit there and bump into each other, and you spend half the day chasing them waiting for them to land. This could be improved by giving the player places to automatically feed the moths as long as enough herbs are in stock. The big lamp at the top definitely helps with this issue however when you have that many it still becomes a clamor.

I feel as though there needs to be more places to plant the herbs as well, whether that comes as unlocking a new floor, or room in the building through repairing another ladder or something.

I would also appreciate being able to carry more than one seed at a time, it takes very long bringing many seeds to the second level and to all the planters, even with the dumb waiter unlocked.

With the blue and purple moth, I wish you could choose which herb to feed it, instead of it automatically giving a blue herb unless you don't have any, I run out of the blue herbs more than the purple despite the game suggesting the purple ones are the "harder to get" ones.

The seeds for the brown moth can also get stuck on the level and become unattainable. And since seeds don't de-spawn it meant that I had to start a new save file.

I'd also wish for some sort of dash, while the unlockable outfits do increase your move speed, with how short the days are I do want to be able to move just a little bit quicker. An invisible stamina bar, such as reusing the "too tired" sprite to represent empty stamina, with a recovery time on the shorter (3~ seconds) side seems like a good option.

I really adore this game, and am by no means going to stop playing, I have already started a new save file because of the seeds getting stuck in the last one and will just have to be more careful going forward. These are all just little gripes that in no way ruin the play experience, well aside from seeds getting stuck, and while I would love to see some improvements, it is pretty clear the devs are no longer actively working on this game. I can't wait to see what else the devs come up with :)


can I ask when/how to unlock the waiter? My moths are starving cuz i cant grow the herbs fast enough 😭

me too 😭

i'm stuck on the start screen

I really like this game! But I can't seem to get an Xbox controller to work on the downloadable windows version of the game, just the in-browser version. Is there a way to make the game controller compatible in the downloadable version?

I love this so much! It’s fun to play :D if there’s more updates and stuff id love to see it ^^

am i being silly? i cant get past the controls page 

I'm having the same problem

(1 edit)

the game loaded for me but i can't click on anything :(

edit: i figured it out I am just big dumb


I managed to get all the moths, here's some tips for you guys. Focus on the PLANTS, feed the moths and sell their dust to earn money and buy some plant boxes (the moths don't die, must be a bug, so you should use it to your advantage). Upgrade that elevator thing near the telephone, makes it easier to bring things on the second floor (it needs 2 wood planks). Once you get the sable egg buy the water in the shop to make the pumpkin (sable food) grow faster, the sable caterpillar tends to disappear when you don't feed it at certain amount of days. I hope this helps you all!!

I've been trying to use the telephone. How do you water the plants?

(1 edit)

You will be able to use the telephone once you accumulate some dusts from the cocoons. As for the plants just press the space button.

A good, fun, relaxing game. I enjoyed it a lot. There are some bugs but the ambience, the music and the art are awesome. Good job!

When you start days seem long and as you progress they feel too short.


hehe ~bugs~



Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

I have picked up dust and it says I have dust in my inventory but when i try to sell it the menu says 0/2


You've probably figured it out, but that means you're currently selling 0 of the 2 that you own. Get the cursor over there and then press right to tell it to sell! Don't forget to confirm by selecting "Market" at the bottom!

does anyone know how to fix all the broken things?


Just incase anyone has things to sell but dosent want to sell all incase they need money later!

Cerulean dust - 10g

Cerulean silk - 20g

Lavender dust - 12g

Lavender silk - 30g 

Pale dust - 18g

Pale silk - 42g (? i forgot to check when i sold it)

Sable dust - (?)

Sable silk - (?)

(1 edit) (+2)

Sable dust - 20g

Sable silk - 50g



awh it wont let me play this for some reason i just get a "windows icon updated" pop-up and never get to play the game :(


been playing for a few irl days, im almost at 100 days, some of my planters dont work at all, nor can i pick them up, and my sable moth caterpillar randomly vanished

i also have way too many moths... is there any way to get rid of some?


I love this game a lot, it's very cozy and warm, but the days feel like they're either too short, or the movement speed is just taking far too long. I can't keep up with my moths' feeding, let alone planting and watering everything and I feel so bad for them :"(

How do you slide down the ladder??? I still have zero idea-

Finally figured it out myself, hold the S and E (or controller equivalent) at the same time




or space

Spent several hours here (browser version). Super nice atmosphere and music! Although I agree with some comments before about not having enough time to grow, harvest plants and feed all the duders (when you have more than 10 of them at the same time). Also I encountered some bad glitch - several of the grow boxes just stopped functioning, and I could not plant anything in them or even remove the boxes. I'm using Win / Chrome, if that matters... Anyway, great and cozy project! Thanks!

My entire game just reset, so sad-

Deleted 1 year ago

you kinda just plant it in the ground- no shovel needed lol.

Deleted 1 year ago

You need to drop them into the slots on the balcony, there should be fireflies pointing to them when you hold a planter.

(1 edit)

I absolutely love the game, although there are some issues with growing the weeds and pumpkins. every time I plant more than 3 seeds and water it, it disappears into thin air. Another issue is when i feed the orange moth a pumpkin while im on the ladder, the seeds just float ;-; 

I really like the game the only problem is there needs to be a way to speed up feeding. Something like a feeding area or object you can put food into. It gets to a point where there simply isnt enough time in the day to really get things done and feed the moths one by one.

you can call them up to one spot with the big lantern at the top

Idk what happened to my game but I had a sable caterpillar and when 2 of my lavender caterpillars hatched it just disappeared. Also my new caterpillars just will not eat stuff 

How do I feed the Orange Caterpillar?

Pumpkins! There should be a seed close to where you found the egg :)

Thank you!!! One more question. How do I get the lamp working at the very top of the stairs? 

I really love this game! It is so addicting! 

So glad you're enjoying it! You'll need to repair the pull switch with silk from sable moths (the orange ones).

I keep trying to boot it up and it just gives me a screen with a few dots on it- Uhh-

(1 edit)

Hi I'm not sure what's preventing it from starting for you but that's just the first frame of the loading animation. Maybe give it some time?

Really enjoyed this and managed to keep all moths alive. Then the sable moth's seeds glitched into the ladder and I couldn't get them. :( So I just closed the game rather than letting them die. Very sad.

But the game itself was super fun! 10/10!

Thanks! Sorry about the glitch (the moth won't actually die though)

(Good to know!)

It's a really nice game with a fun artstyle but for me it's just a bit too hard to maintain the entire thing without letting moths die or slowly draining the bank

I really love the art style and everything about this game but I dont know if i've done something wrong but I cannot figure out how to water the seeds to grow more herbs :( 

Hey you should be able to water them by holding down the interact button while you're touching them.
(Interact is E/Space on keyboard or A/Cross on controller)

my progress got deleted

Sorry to hear that! Save files are stored in your cache when you play in browser, so avoid clearing it if you want to keep progress.

I really enjoyed this, especially the art and contrasting colors. Such a unique and interesting game with a game idea I have never seen before!

Thanks so much!

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